Virtual Zones
Each FitnessOnDemand kiosk is considered a Virtual Zone in the Management App. You will be able to view and/or manage any zones that you have been added to as a user. Select your name on the top-right, and go to Settings >> Zones to edit your Zone. Here you will be able to change the display name, time zone, and color of the zone. These settings are reflected in your schedule. The Export option will download a .ics file of all of your zone's schedule.
If you are interested in adding additional virtual zones, please reach out to our sales team at 952-567-2710 or contact your sales rep.
Live Only Zones
Live Only Zones function very similarly to virtual zones in the Management App. Live only zones allow you to create a zone for a group fitness area at your facility that does not have a FitnessOnDemand kiosk, giving you the ability to use the FitnessOnDemand live class scheduling feature for that area. You can learn more about Live Only Zones here.
Multiple zones that are in the same physical location can be grouped together in a facility. The main benefit to grouping zones together is to overlay multiple zones onto the same schedule view. On the Schedule tab, you will notice two drop-down menus at the top of your screen. The first drop-down is the facility picker. Once you select the facility you can choose up to three zones in that facility in the second drop-down menu. You can now easily view and edit multiple zones at your facility. The Print option will also print all of the currently selected views for a comprehensive schedule that you can post at your location.
Zones are added to facilities during the initial setup process. If your zones are not grouped properly, please reach out to our support team at
Multi-site operators will have multiple facilities grouped into an organization. Additional organization features will be available soon and will be accessed on the Settings >> Organization page.
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