What is the Schedule Wizard?
The Schedule Wizard is an advanced tool that allows users to quickly schedule classes weeks to months in advance without having to select each individual on-demand video. Simply choose one of our default templates, enter a start date, and the number of weeks then let the Schedule Wizard pick the classes for you. Create a custom template for more control of when the classes play, class difficulty level, equipment used, and the fitness category.
How to use the Schedule Wizard
1. On the Management App navigate to the Schedules tab
2. Select the blue Schedule Wizard button
3. Click Create new template or use a default (default descriptions below)
4. Select a cell
5. Set a minimum and maximum duration
6. Select a category ie: cardio
7. Select Equipment
8. Select a Difficulty Level
(Note: You must select at least one option between category, equipment, and difficulty level)
9. Click Done
10. Repeat steps 4-9 as needed
11. Click Save
After the template has been saved you will be brought back to the main Schedule Wizard page. To use your custom template select it from the drop-down template list. Then select a start date and number of weeks you want the schedule to run. You can also use the overwrite conflicts toggle to overwrite any current events that conflict with the new Schedule Wizard events.
Default Template Descriptions
Fitness 1 - A full day mix of easy to advanced classes, providing a total of 30 scheduled classes each week. The majority of classes will be strength & cardio focused. Classes start at 6:30 am and end by 5:00 pm.
Fitness 2 - A morning and evening mix of easy to advanced classes, providing a total of 27 scheduled classes each week. The majority of classes will be strength & cardio focused. Classes start at 7:30 am and end by 7:00 pm.
Fitness 3 - A full day mix of easy to advanced classes, providing a total of 100 classes each week. The majority of classes will be strength & cardio focused. Classes occur every other day, starting at 5:30 am and ending by 8:30 pm.
MFH-HSP 1 - A morning and evening mix of easy to advanced classes, providing 25 total classes each week. The majority of classes will be Strength, Cardio, and Yoga focused. Classes occur from 6:30 am to 9:00 am, and again from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
MFH-HSP 2 - An evening mix of easy to advanced classes, providing 15 classes each week. The majority of classes will be Strength, Cardio, and Yoga focused. 3 classes will occur every weekday starting at 6:30 pm and ending by 8:30 pm.
MFH-HSP 3 - A morning and evening mix of easy to advanced classes, providing 15 classes each week. The majority of classes will be Strength, Cardio, and Yoga focuses. Classes occur from 6:30 am to 9:00 am, and again from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
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