Our personal training feature for the FLEX App is tool for trainers and clients to be able to create plans, workouts, and fitness regiments and includes the ability to track and record progress over time. This feature allows for management of client list by trainer and manager, customization of programs and workouts for each client or for a group of clients within one or multiple locations. You begin by adding an exercise, then creating a workout from those custom exercise option and On Demand classes, and building a series of workout into a program. Clients and members will be able to view their trainer prescribed program from any location using the Flex App.
Below are the step by step instructions for setting up these customized options.
1. From the Management Portal (https://ma.fod247.fitness/), click on the FLEX tab at the top of the screen.
2. Select Personal Training from the column on the left hand side of the Flex options.
An exercise in the personal training tool is a specific movement, exercise, or direction that can be included as part of a larger workout overall. For example, squats, dead lifts, or steps. These are the building blocks for your workouts and are the very first step to building a program for a client or clients.
1. Select the blue “add new exercise” icon in the exercise menu.
2. Upload an image to become the thumbnail for this exercise – we recommend your mage be 1230x760 with a max size of 2MB
3. Add a Title for this exercise, this will be displayed next to the thumbnail within a workout and will appear in the exercise library for members if made available to public app library.
4. Add any description needed to the description box to appear once a member has clicked into the exercise.
6. Select whether your exercise is meant for a home workout or a gym workout
7. List any equipment needed to complete this exercise.
8. Add the muscle group that is the focus of the exercise
9. Logging type is either strength (weight or reps) or cardio (distance or time), select one from the drop down menu.
10. Add detailed instructions on how to safely complete the exercise, multiple instructions can be added or deleted by clicking on the red trashcan in the upper right corner or the instruction
11. Club drop down menu: If you have multiple clubs in your group, select which clubs you this exercise available to.
12. Add to public app library – make available to all clients within the selected club(s). If this is selected, this exercise will be available to all club members in their Flex App when browsing the full exercise library. If this is not selected, the exercise will only be available in the specific trainer programs.
13. Make Available For All Trainers – any trainer in your facility may add this to a client’s workout or routine
14. Published – When you are ready to make this available to your clients, select the “Published” toggle
15. Create – Click the “Create” button will save your progress and create the exercise however it will not be available to assign unless the Publish toggle has been selected.
ADDING A WORKOUT (collection of exercises)
A workout is a collection of exercises to be completed in one workout session or day. These become the building blocks for programs to be assigned to members and clients. You can also use a workout to build a rest day by adding meditations or stretching classes using On Demand videos. You can also duplicate an established workout by clicking the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the workout you wish to duplicate and clicking on "Duplicate".
1. Add an image to the workout will be the thumbnail when viewing in the Flex App, we recommend your mage be 1230x760 with a max size of 2MB
2. Add a title for the workout to be displayed next to the thumbnail image of a workout within a program. 3. Describing the workout of the day, such as “Lower Body – Gym Day” is a great way to give insight to what the day will look like for your clients as they plan for their program.
4. Add a description for the workout including goals and important details which can be displayed for the client once they click into their daily workout and will appear below the thumbnail image. This is an opportunity to give some insight and instruction for the client(s) as to how to best approach this workout or tips and tricks to keep in mind.
5. Add a trainer message video – this is a great way to encourage and communicate daily goals with clients. This link should be a private link from YouTube or Vimeo, you can find a guide on how to create private videos here: (link here for an article on how to create)
6. Under “type”, select if workout is to be completed at home or in the gym facility
7. Clubs- select which clubs you can access that will receive access to this workout. This is important if you are coaching clients at multiple locations and need to ensure these workouts will be available for clients at multiple clubs.
8. Make Available For All Trainers – Selecting this toggle allows other trainers to assign this workout to their clients
9. Published- Selecting this toggle will make your workout available to be assigned to clients – we recommend waiting until completing the Exercise layout portion to toggle the published option.
10. Click the “Next” button to move on to the exercise layout portion.
1. On the right-hand side of the exercise layout screen you may choose to select from exercises within your exercise library and the On Demand Videos. All exercises you have uploaded and published will be available here along with all exercises made available by FOD.
2. After locating the exercise or on demand video you wish to add, hover over the thumbnail to see the plus symbol. Click on the thumbnail to add this exercise to the workout. Once the exercise has been added to the workout, it will appear on the left-hand side of the exercise layout screen.
3. From here you can add the number of sets, reps, weight, distance, or time, and how long each rest between sets is. For body weight exercises, leave weight blank, and keep in mind that all fields are optional here so there are many options for customization. If no weight is added for weighted exercises, the client’s last logged weight within the FLEX app for this exercise will be auto added after assigning the workout.
4. Once you have added all the exercises and on demand videos you want to include, you may rearrange them within the workout by clicking and dragging from the three lines on the left side of the selected exercise.
5. If you accidentally add an exercise that you don’t need included, you can remove it by clicking on the trash icon in the upper right corner of that individual exercise.
6. Once you are finished with arranging the workout and adding reps, sets, etc, click on the blue “create” button at the bottom of the screen. If you are ready for this to be published, you can also toggle the “published” option mentioned in step 8 of adding a workout by scrolling up and clicking the arrow next to “Workout Information”. Scroll down until you see the toggle options again. Make sure to save after selecting the toggle if you have already created the workout.
a. Supersets are a great way to incorporate aerobic activity while decreasing the amount of time in your clients workouts. A superset is when you perform one exercise immediately followed by another with no rest in-between. These can be used with clients that already know the basics of the exercises, for example you can have the client perform 15 biceps curls immediately followed by 15 overhead triceps extensions.
b. When creating a workout, if you have added at least two exercises, you can create a superset. This option will be greyed out until you have added exercises and will become a blue clickable link once you have.
c. Upon clicking the Create Superset link, a window will display asking which exercises you would like to use for the superset. You may select as many as you like, but at least two must be added from the drop-down menu.
d. You can easily remove exercises from the superset by clicking the “X” next to each exercise in the list.
e. Once you are ready to add it, click “Create Superset” to add it to the workout.
f. You can remove a superset by clicking on the trashcan icon in the upper right of the superset.
A program is a collection of workouts set up over a period of time, this could be as short as a few days, or as long a few weeks. Most programs have specific goals in mind or specific focuses. Keep this in mind as you build programs for individual clients, or for clients or members on a larger scale. Programs available to all members will show up in a members “recommended” list if it matches the member’s goals and/or journey they selected when completing the Flex App onboarding questionnaire.
1. Click on the program tab within the Personal Training menu.
2. Click on the blue “add new program” icon
3. Add an image which will be the visible thumbnail for clients in the Flex App, we recommend your mage be 1230x760 with a max size of 2MB
4. Add a title in the title box to identify your program - this will overlay on the thumbnail within the Flex App within the home page for the member and when they click into the program. Keep this in mind when you are choosing a thumbnail for the program as the title and tags will be overlaid in white text at the bottom right of the thumbnail image.
5. When adding a description in the description box, it is important to detail the goals and specifics of your program. The description will appear in an “About This Program” beneath the thumbnail once a client clicks into the program.
6. Select a tag or tags for your program, this is the sub-category for your program (eg weight loss, advanced/beginner, gym equipment based, or reboot) and these will appear beneath the title of the program on the thumbnail image. For programs available to all members, this will be how members can browse programs by type and category. This can also tag specific programs as recommended for members whose goals match with this program according to the survey they answered when they first signed up with the Flex App.
7. Select any journeys that you would like to include in this program. Journeys are the main client selected path or goals during profile set up within the FLEX App. This is the primary sorting category for programs and will allow any programs add to the public library to be sorted into that category when members are viewing recommended programs or searching through all programs.
8. Select type of program – home or in gym
9. Select which clubs this program will be available to. If you have access to multiple clubs, or see clients at multiple clubs, you will add them here.
10. Toggle “Add To Public App Library” to make this program available to all members of the selected clubs. This will add this program to the program library, and it will appear under the journey category that you assigned in the creation stage. Additionally, the tags you assigned will be visible as the subcategories for the program and appear on the thumbnail of your program.
11. Toggle “Make Available for All Trainers” to allow other trainers within your club to assign this program to their clients.
12. Toggle “Published” When you are ready for the program to be live.
13. Click Next to build your program.
14. Here you will be able to see all workouts available to you, or find an On Demand class you wish to add to the program. Simply click on the workout or video you would like to add to the program and it will appear on the left side of the menu in the order you select them.
15. To re-arrange the order, simply click and drag from the three bars on the left side of the workout you wish to move.
16. Once you are satisfied with your workout, click Create at the bottom of the screen.
1. Click the Assign tab at the top of the Personal Training menu.
2. Select the program you wish to assign from the Program Title drop down menu.
3. Next, select which clubs you have access to in order select client(s) from that location.
4. From the “Clients” drop down menu you can select which client(s) you wish to assign this program to specifically. This step is optional. If you leave the clients drop down blank, it will assign to all your clients at the location(s) selected in the Club Selection drop down menu.
5. When you have finalized your choices, click “Assign” at the bottom of the screen to make this program the current program for those members.
a. If the selected clients have a program currently selected, a pop-up screen will appear confirming that you want to change the client’s current program to the new one you have selected. This will not remove their current program from their profile and app, but will make the program you are assigning their current followed program. Their previous program will still be available in the “All Programs” tab within the Flex App and clients can choose to switch back to another program if they prefer. Select “Switch Program” to assign your program to the client, or select “Keep Current Program” to allow the client to continue with the program they are currently following.
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